Dave Seaman Official Website · Coronavirus Disruptions Home Music Tour News Contact About Shop 16 February 2021
Coronavirus Disruptions

Unfortunately, I have to announce that all my shows for at least the next 6 weeks have either been cancelled or postponed due to the fallout from the Coronavirus pandemic.

These are crazy unprecedented times we are living through right now. Even if you’re lucky enough not to get the virus or have relatively mild symptoms, everybody’s lives are being turned upside down regardless. It’s a time to be considerate and to look out for one another and hopefully we’ll be able to negotiate these choppy waters as quickly as possible.

It is good to know some things can always be relied upon though. Tough times are always easier to get through with good music, films and books for company. If you are stuck at home in self isolation, you might as well use the opportunity to consume as much quality art/content as possible. We certainly live in an age where we are overloaded with it. I’ll try to share as much good stuff as I can on here to keep you busy. Look out for recommendations coming thick and fast 🙂

Take care. Stay positive. See you on the other side.


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