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Listen again to Dave’s contribution to the long running, widely acclaimed Balance Selections podcast series

1. Robert Babicz – Little Fairy [Babicz Style]
2. youANDme – Pattern Of Greed (Dub) [Poker Flat]
3. youANDme – Pattern Of Greed (Jonathan Kaspar Mix) [Poker Flat]
4. Seduce & Destroy feat. Flowers & Sea Creatures – Attention Deficit
5. Dubspeeka – Theme 1 [Last Night On Earth]
6. Mulya – Favilla [Monaberry]
7. Dave Seaman & Steve Parry – Repeat Offender [Selador]
8. Gorge – Alaris [Still Hot]
9. Moonwalk – Zed [Stil Vor Talent] 1
0. Monolink – Sirens (Patrice Baümel) [Embassy Of Sound]
11. Eagles & Butterflies – The Last Dance [Art Imitating Life]


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