Dave Seaman Official Website · DMC WORLD MAGAZINE INTERVIEW Home Music Tour News Contact About Shop 16 February 2021

The last time I ventured to an airfield with you was to Sunrise’s incredible rave at White Waltham in 1989 which The Sun newspaper kindly brought to the world’s attention thanks to their ‘Ecstasy Airport’ front page headline. Next month though it’s Popham Airfield in deepest Hampshire we’ll be heading to for an altogether different kind of event, a live stream with the Krafted, Frisky and Denon DJ boys sponsored by Porsche. What attracted you to getting involved in this event in the first place?

I know right?! 30 years later and still loitering around airfields intent on causing a commotion. But who’d have thunk we’d be doing it 3 decades later with Porsche as a sponsor!? Honestly, it just seemed like a fun thing to do which is as good a reason as any in my book. Plus these online live DJ set streams have become one of the key forms of promotion in the digital age, so here we are 🙂

Your relationship with Krafted boss Paul Sawyer goes way back to the 90s when you starred at his parties on the English south coast, these days you spin his tunes and he spins your Selador tunes. It’s always been about quality with this young man right?

Yes, i’ve known Paul for longer than either of us probably care to remember. He’s always been honest and hardworking with an eye and an ear for quality which are fine attributes in this game if you’re in it for the long haul.

Let’s kick back for a moment and reflect on these three decades of dance music dominating your life; Magazine Editor, DJ, Producer, Song Writer, Event Promoter, Artist Manager, Label A&R…the list goes gloriously on and on. Word on the street however was before all this superstardom happened, your first dream was to become a BBC radio DJ? Who were your heroes on the airwaves back then and can you see yourself settling into a BBC role later in life?

Ha! Put it this way, I wouldn’t say no if the opportunity presented itself. I’ve just completed my 100th edition of my monthly Radio Therapy Broadcasts after 8 and-a-bit years and I’m loving it more than ever. Although i have to say, once a month is nice and easy to manage. I can’t imagine the kind of effort and commitment required to deliver a daily show. Big respect to those who do it day in, day out. You’re right though, radio was my first love. When I became obsessed with DJing at a very early age, I had no real frame of reference of club DJs so radio was all I knew. I used to religiously listen to Robbie Vincent every Sunday and Froggy’s weekly spot on Peter Powell’s Radio 1 show. On the few occasions I got to visit London, I’d record Gary Crowley’s Radio London show and play it over and over obsessing over every little detail. People forget how little access we had to dance music on the Radio back then. Especially outside of London. I was restricted to just a few hours a week. Nowadays you could probably find enough new dance music content online every day to last you all year!

We mentioned your beloved Selador label a moment ago, you must be chuffed how things are going? What are the plans for the next year release wise?

It’s been an incredible year for the label. We celebrated our 5th Birthday in April with some landmark releases from most of the artists on the roster and we’ve really kicked on from there. In fact, I think Steve (Selador co-owner Steve Parry) & I feel 2018 has really seen the label become what we intended when we first launched. Everything has pretty much come to fruition. So it’s time to set out some new goals I guess.

What is coming out next from Dave Seaman studio wise?

I’ve just had a track out on Alex Niggemann’s Soulfooled label called ‘Attention Deficit’ which is a collaboration with Flower & Sea Creatures from Montreal and then the next two releases will be remixes. First in December, for Tim Engelhardt on Einmusika as part of the 10th birthday celebrations, I remixed a track called ‘Vega’ and then in January, for Selador, I’ve just finished a mix of a Zoo Brazil track called ‘Thunderstorm’. I’m really proud of both of these. Can’t wait for them to be unleashed.

Best solo gig of 2018 and why?

My personal favourites are usually when I feel I’ve made a real connection with the crowd. So off the top of my head I’d say Cafe Del Mar in Sydney, The Bow in Buenos Aires and Watergate, Berlin. They were three memorable ones for sure.

I used the word solo because another string to your bow is of course the 3D project you have with Darren Emerson and Danny Howells. Why does it work so well for you together, what is each other’s best contribution?

I think first and foremost we all have fun together which is a really important component when touring and performing together. Especially at this point in our careers. And I think that really shines through when we play. We all have slightly different styles but have a shared history and mutual respect which means we adapt well to each other. It really is a shared responsibility. All for one and one for all.

What has 2019 got in store for 3D?

More of the same we hope. There’s a lot more tours planned as we’ve only really scratched the surface as a trio plus there’ll be more music released. I know Danny’s been stockpiling. I saw a folder the other day on his USB that must have had 20 new original tracks in it!! And who knows, we might even make it into the studio altogether some day. Goodness knows what the results would be like but we’d have some fun making it, I know that!

What are your big three tunes in your box this weekend, please give us a sentence on each…

Super Flu ‘Selee’ [Monaberry]

Later single from probably my favourite producers of the year. Super Flu are top of their game right now.

Blaktone ‘Under My Skin’ [Selador]

Our next release from a production duo out of St. Petersburg with a really distinctive vocal sample that lifts up above the crowd. Hot!

Raxon ‘Future Past’ [Diynamic]

A proper banger from Rax. Hit the strobe and turn up the smoke machine for a bit of peak time acid house action.

You are probably the most traveled DJ in the world visiting more countries than most. What is the latest nation count and is there a new territory coming up for you?

I must be close to 100 countries now. I haven’t checked in a while but have added a few more this year including Pakistan and Barbados for the first time. I’m currently eyeing up Equador and I’ve also got Hawaii on my radar but I suppose that’s a State rather than a Country so doesn’t really count?

You are a massive fan of Leeds Utd, couple of questions. One, are you going up this season and two, have you converted your sons to supporting your team?

Oh God, please let it be this season we finally get back to the Premier League. It’s been 15 years out of the top flight now during which we’ve been raped and pillaged by several unscrupulous owners which has been more than enough punishment for anything we did in a former life! haha. Seriously though, it’s just great to see us playing some attractive football and in doing so flirting with the promotion places. Marcelo Bielsa is some sort of magician as he’s basically inherited the same squad that settled for mid season mediocrity last year and is working wonders. And yes, my kids have been burdened with Leeds. Get ‘em while they’re young! Although they do also have a soft spot for Liverpool. Sorry Dan. I know you support the blue half of Merseyside :-/

And finally it’s Christmas around the corner. Santa is fed up of the usual DJ requests for “more sleep”, “a time machine” and “extra hours in the day”…what do you REALLY want the big fat man in red to bring down the chimney for you this year?

Please see answer above. Four Leeds wins out of 4 over the Xmas period would do just nicely 🙂


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