Dave Seaman Official Website · Interview With DMC World Mag about New 3D Nights Home Music Tour News Contact About Shop 16 February 2021
Interview With DMC World Mag about New 3D Nights

Together with long time friends Danny Howells & Darren Emerson, Dave recently launched a new series of events under the 3D umbrella kicking off at The Gallery at Ministry Of Sound, London. Just before the gig, the three perpetrators spoke with DMC World Magazine about the concept..

Dave, how and when did the brilliant idea of 3D surface between yourself, Danny Howells and Darren Emerson? 

DAVE: Danny and I had played together at The Gallery at the Ministry last year and had a great time so when we were invited back and asked who we thought would be good to join us on the line up, Darren instantly sprung to mind. We’ve all been good friends for a long time but have actually never played together before so this will be a first. We hope the first of many.

It’s a great name, come on who thought of it?

DAVE: I’ve got to take credit for that that one. It was kinda obvious really. With Danny, Dave and Darren, the threes Ds just jumped off the page. Besides, we couldn’t really have gone with our surnames as ‘SHE’ didn’t really have the same ring to it!

Darren, all three of you are constantly zipping around the world, the chances of you being in the same place at the same time must be pretty remote in the past?

DARREN: Every now and again we will cross paths. Dave & I have DJ’d together a couple of times around the world recently. I think the last time we were together at a gig was in Bogota.It doesn’t happen much though so this is a great excuse to get together as we’re all good mates ..It’s gonna be a good one for sure.

Danny, how will the actual performance work? Have you had a chat about who plays when and who plays what or are you going to freestyle it?

DANNY: The best thing about playing together with mates is that, 99% of the time, you work it all out on the night. If it’s a long night you might start off with half an hour each, then decide to switch it up and do tracks each or one track each. It keeps it exciting and spontaneous and you can react to how the crowd are feeling it.

Dave, what is about Danny and Darren’s music, style and playing made you safe in the knowledge that 3D would work?

DAVE: Well we’ve all known each other for a long time which I think counts for a lot. And even though we all have a slightly different style, we were all part of the Global Underground series and know each others music well enough to be able to dovetail relatively easily. More than anything, experience is what we have on our side.

Who do you think has the biggest rider between the three Ds?

DANNY: Ha! I bet mine’s the smallest! The most important thing for me is a decent set up and monitoring. There’s nothing worse than not being able to hear what you’re doing. Thankfully, I’ve never had an issue at Ministry, which is one of the best systems to play on in the world.

Darren, what are the plans for 3D, will we see you perform at festivals and Ibiza maybe this year?

DARREN: I certainly think 3D has legs and I’m sure the MOS gig will be the 1st of many. We’d obviously love to take it to a few festivals and Ibiza. It’s still early days of course but watch this space.

What are the 3 biggest tunes in your box this weekend, please give us a few words on each…

DAVE: Well I’m gonna go with a bit of shameless self promotion here and say my new remix of The XX called ’Violent Noise’ from their fantastic new album and also the new release on my label, Selador by Just Her called ‘On The Low’ which is a big vocal anthem. And then maybe the new remix of Oxia’s classic ‘Domino’ by Frankey & Sandrino. That’s been getting a great reaction recently everywhere I’ve played it.

Where have been the 3 ‘stand out gigs’ over the winter months?

DARREN: I’ve just got back from a tour in Japan and had a blast as always. I played at Womb in Tokyo and it was absolutely rocking. Circus in Osaka was a great gig too. I love Osaka. It’s a great club with a cool crowd. I’ve also started a Detone night in The Arch in Brighton and our nights have been superb. Alan Fitzpatrick and James Zabelia were both amazing. We have Art Department next Saturday. So yes, the Winter months have been great.

3 up and coming producers to watch out for this summer?

DAVE: Oh god, only 3?!! There’s always tonnes of producers that are blowing up. Where to start? Undercatt, Moonwalk, Doctor Dru, Hyenah, Paride Saraceni, Clavis, Drunken Kong, Bastian Bux, Kotelett & Zadak. How’s that for starters?

And finally, dance music in 2017. Are we good in a place?

DANNY: In an amazingly good place. I don’t really follow producers or labels like I would have done, say, 10 years ago. Whatpeopleplay is the joint where I buy the bulk of my music and I like to just go in there blind, listening to every track on every new release without paying attention to who it’s by and where it came from. It’s time consuming but for me it’s one of the most joyous parts about what we do. For each weekend I’ll find at least 100 tracks that I love from the deepest, almost ambient house to full throttle techno. The only downside is that I don’t get to play every single one.


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