Dave Seaman Official Website · My DMC World Magazine INTERVIEW Home Music Tour News Contact About Shop 6 March 2022
My DMC World Magazine INTERVIEW

My recent interview with DMC World Magazine is now live talking Nunchi Coup, Selador’s 150th release, our upcoming Seladoria nights in Australia, this week’s hottest new tunes, and the current state of my football team, Leeds United 😕


A huge welcome back to DMCWORLD Dave, what is the best piece of new music you have discovered this week?

Thank you. Always a pleasure Dan. It’s been all about two remixes by a couple of good friends this week actually. Hernan Cattaneo’s (with Sound Exile) re-rub of Stephan Bodzin ‘Astronautin’ and also Darren Emerson’s rework of David Holmes’ new single ‘It’s Over Of We Run Out Of Love’ Two top notch jobs by a couple of master craftsmen. Have had both on repeat 👏👏👏

A big month for your beloved Selador label as you chalk up a staggering 150 releases with a new double header. The tracks are under a new alias for you and label partner Steve Parry, please explain what is behind your artist name Nunchi Coup…

Nunchi is an ancient Korean word for the ability to choose the correct course of action according to your emotional intelligence, an awareness of your surroundings. Like a sixth sense. It’s a concept that we particularly understood as DJs. The art of reading the room and acting appropriately. The Koreans believe Nunchi is the secret to happiness and who are we to argue? ”

Two tracks; ‘Slaves to the Algo-Rhythm’ and ‘Coping Mechanism’ are both phrases perfect for life in 2022…but there’s a real nod to acid house in both with orchestral strings and slabs of rave both featuring. Please talk us through the sound and history of both tracks…

Yes that’s right, Steve & I wanted to do something a little different to our normal sound. Something that encapsulated our 30+ year history in the Acid House business but still had a contemporary edge. A classic sound but not retro if that makes sense. So we set about wading through our record collections to collate hundreds of samples that would give us a starting point for the project and these two tracks are the first fruits of that. There’s plenty more where these came from too. As you can probably imagine, there’s so many sources of inspiration we can draw upon from our vast vinyl archives. Narrowing it down was a challenge. So it looks like Nunchi Coup has legs and won’t be just a one-off to celebrate reaching a 150th release as I think we initially envisaged. We’re already working on the next release.


It’s a torturous question but I’m gonna ask it. 150 releases, what one are you most proud of…and no saying the next one!

You’re right, that is a tough one to answer but if I have to pick just one, I’ll go for Show B’s remix of Jaap Ligthart and Alice Rose’s ‘I Know Change’. It was the track really moved us up a few gears. So many of the big boys were playing it and so I think it was when a lot more people stood up and took notice of the label. It also took so much time and effort to get that release out, that there was a real sense of achievement that the hard work had paid off.


Let’s touch on the future though at Selador towers, what have you in the pipeline for us over the coming months, any new artists swinging our way?

Our next release is by a relatively new artist actually. A producer out of Panama called Carlos Barbero. He’s made a beautiful new vocal track with Dom Fricot called ‘Closer To Closure’ that we think is gonna be huge. There’s two ace remixes from Andre lodemann and Yulia Niko too so it’s a big package.

April sees a mighty Selador splash down in Australia when both yourself and Steve will be joined by Darren Emerson, Just Her, Jamie Stevens and Steve Marx for two more big clubbing adventures. And what’s more it’s yours’ and Darren’s birthdays! We know you have a deep love for Australia. What is it about the land down under that you love and what have been some of the most memorable nights on the ones and twos…?

I just made a lot of friends there on my first visit. People I’m still really good friends with now, 30 years later. So there was an instant connection and I fell in love with the place. So many fantastic memories of amazing nights down there, it’s hard to pick just one but if forced to, I’d say the Global Underground night for my GU22 album at The Goods Shed in Melbourne in 2002 was a stand out. One for the books.


The UK’s nightlife seems to be finally getting back on track after two years of Pandemic misery. How is traveling the world as a DJ still affecting your weekend life even though the masks are now coming off…

The extra hoops you have to jump through to follow Covid protocol can be a bit of a pain in the arse but it’s still so good to be finally back on the road. Although, my body clock doesn’t know what’s hit it. For the first time in 30 years I’d settled into some sort of regular sleep patterns and now I’m back to turning it all upside down again. I was in Mexico last weekend and was all over the shop! 😅

Some big summer gigs you are looking forward to…

Our first Seladoria USA Tour, the return of Glastonbury and Lush Classical outdoors in the Botanical Gardens, Belfast

Three massive records you will be playing this weekend…

Well we’ve already mentioned the two Nunchi Coup tracks, the new Carlos Barbero on Selador and Darren & Hernan’s remixes all of which instantly spring to mind so let’s choose three others.
1. Paride Saraceni ‘Walk Away’ (Habischman Remix) [Post Scriptum]
2. Roman Kyn ‘Consequences’ [Sapiens]
3. Joyce Muniz ‘Machine Talk’ [Exploited]

You were of course Mixmag’s first ever Editor in the late 1980s, we hear there has been something of a reunion at Selador with one time Mixmag scribe Nick Gordon Brown joining the label. What’s the story there?

Yes, I’m very pleased to say Nick & I reconnected during lockdown which led to him joining us at Selador. He’d be out of the music business for over a decade but foolishly confessed to be missing it so it was a no brainer to lure him back. Steve & I needed the extra help and his wealth of experience has brought so much to the table. We might even turn into a proper record label now if we’re not careful!😅

And finally, whenever we chat we always touch on football. This time round my team (Everton) are lying just behind your team (Leeds) at the foot of the table. What the fuck is happening, are we both heading to the Championship and away trips to QPR?

Oh God, don’t get me started mate. I still in the process of mourning Bielsa’s departure. I would have stuck with him and given him the chance to get us out of this situation after all he’d done for the club but what’s done is done now. Just hope the new manager can hit the ground running. It’s a huge gamble. I keep saying we’ll be ok once we get some of those key players back that have been out for so long with injury but time is starting to run out. Staring to wonder if they’ll make it back on the pitch before the season’s done! Lampard’s not really got your lot humming yet either as he? But at least there’s signs of improvement. I think the next 6 games or so will decide it for us. It’s not Leeds without the drama 😅

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