Dave Seaman Official Website · My Favourite Films & TV of 2020 Home Music Tour News Contact About Shop 29 December 2020
My Favourite Films & TV of 2020

To finish my end-of-year round ups of everything I’ve enjoyed the most over the last twelve months, it’s time to turn to my highlights from the world of Film & TV.

I’d usually say ‘the best of the big and small screen’, but it’s all been small screen this year! Here’s to 2021 being a completely different story. Happy New Year everyone. Dave x

1. Take Us Home: Leeds United (Season 2)

2. I Hate Suzie

3. Once Upon A Time In Iraq

4. Parasite

5. I May Destroy You 

6. Hillbilly Elegy

7. Queens Gambit

8. Tenet

9. Uncut Gems 

10. The Sound Of Metal

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