Dave Seaman Official Website · The PFG Interview – Part Two Home Music Tour News Contact About Shop 13 July 2021
The PFG Interview – Part Two

Last December, PFG were lucky enough to have the one and only Dave Seaman as our guest for the PFG Exclusive Series monthly mix, which was initially released via a Live Premiere Video on Mixcloud. It was a huge success, and if you missed it, you can still check it out on either Dave’s or PFG’s YouTube channels. The mix is also on PFG’s Soundcloud in the Exclusive Series playlist.

WATCH AGAIN ON YOUTUBE – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ETlbTgUU5I&t=1631s
LISTEN AGAIN ON SOUNDCLOUD – https://soundcloud.com/pfg18/pfg-mix-master-final

We also had a chat with him, and made a date to have a second chat soon so with his new E.P. ‘Selected Reworks’ just about to drop on Selador, we decided this would be the perfect time for that catch up to find out how lockdown life has been continuing for him, discuss his new release and more.

‘Selected Reworks’, as the name suggests, includes three remixes of Dave Seaman tracks from the past three years. It starts with this year’s brilliant ‘Buzzfuzzle’, a gloriously trippy, dark, spacey and downright sexy remix from Luke Brancaccio & Gai Barone. Next is an amazing remix of 2020’s “Racket Abuse” by Charles Webster, who takes it dark, funky and sweaty. Designed to melt heads on a dance floor at just the right time. And lastly, a Damon Jee Light remix of ‘Rodales’ from 2018, that pumps the original track with fresh oomph for ’21 with an 80s/New Order vibe, which is just showing off really. Stunning. This E.P is a must-have, no doubt about it. All three remixes are equally brilliant, and we wish them all success. And we hope that you enjoy part 2 of our Dave Seaman interview.

BEATPORT PRE ORDER – https://www.beatport.com/release/selected-reworks/3440032
SPOTIFY PRESAVE – smarturl.it/da28fo

Hi Dave. Thanks for having us back for part 2 of our interview. How has lockdown continued for you? And have you got many live gigs booked for the rest of the year?

Thanks for inviting me back. I won’t lie, It’s been a lot tougher this year than last. The novelty of staying home for me had really started to wear off and patience was wearing thin so it’s been great these last few weeks to start getting back to some sort of normality. Let’s hope the Vaccine program really makes a difference this time. I’ve just done my first weekend of gigs actually here in Mexico and it was, ahem.. such a good feeling to be back playing for a real dance floor again. Nothing beats that live interaction. I can’t say I enjoyed the all the extra hurdles and restrictions for travel that are currently being imposed or the return of sleep deprivation for that matter but that’s all part of the package and right now, I’m willing to jump through whatever hoops necessary if it means getting back to what I really love doing. Gigs wise, yes my diary is really starting to fill up. I’ve not got much space left through until November already. I’m back with my fellow 3Ders, Danny Howells and Darren Emerson at Latitude Festival in a couple of weeks and then I’ve got Ibiza after that so I’m definitely getting back off on the right foot 🙂

And gigs of your own making? I know there’s Seladoria in September which I personally cannot wait for. Are there any other plans, moving towards 2022?

Yes, Seladoria is a big one for me. It’s been a concept we’ve been steadily working on throughout lockdown and finally we’re ready to launch, as you say, in London in September at E1 with myself and Steve (Parry) alongside Danny Howells and Just Her. We wanted our live events as a label to be a little bit special, a more immersive clubbing experience and so the whole idea is about going down a rabbit hole on an otherworldly adventure, bringing some of that playful psychedelic counter culture back to clubbing. In short, just a really fun night out that you won’t forget in a hurry. Tickets are available now, plug, plug. Follow the wabbit! Lol

SELADORIA TICKETS LINK – https://ra.co/pre/1442066

Tell us about your new release on Selador. How did it all come about? And how excited are you?

Yes, I have a new release out on Selador this week but in fairness, it’s all due to the fantastic work of others this time. It’s a 3 track EP of remixes of some of my previous tracks for the label by four producers I really admire. Charles Webster has delivered an inspired electro rework of my track from last year ‘Racket Abuse’, Luke Brancaccio & Gai Barone have tackled my release from earlier this year, ‘Buzzfuzzle’ with similar aplomb and finally Damon Jee has updated his anthemic Indie Dance re-rub of ‘Rodales’ from 2018, the original version of which we’d only previously put out on vinyl. They’re all fantastic pieces of work that deserve equal praise and recognition. So yes,’Very excited’ in answer to your question 🙂

Looking back on your career (so far), do you have any professional regrets? Is there anything that you would do differently if you had your time back, that might help artists now?

I try not to dwell on negatives too much, yes they’re all part of the process that makes us who we are and you learn and move on better equipped to deal with the next challenge but one thing I would say is to try to enjoy the ride, take it all in, time passes so quickly and I personally, sometimes got caught up with silly, inconsequential distractions that seemed important at the time. I wish I’d retained more of an overview of the bigger picture and enjoyed each achievement a little more, but that’s something I’ve managed to put right as time’s gone on.

There are so many good artists out there. For a budding producer or DJ, do you have any advice on how to get noticed and stand out, other than producing work of a high standard?

Really try to define who you are as an artist, what your strengths and weaknesses are and play particularly to your strengths whilst trying to reinforce your weaknesses. Plough your own furrow, don’t necessarily always try to follow others’ well trodden and usually over populated paths. Remember success should be measured in how much pleasure and sense of achievement you personally take from your work/passion and not always by the approval of others.

How would you advise DJs to get over the “it’s good exposure” trap and get paid for their work more regularly?

It’s a hard balance to strike isn’t it. Of course, there is something to be said for doing something for free just to get your ‘foot in the door’ so to speak but don’t fall into the trap of regularly under valuing yourself or be fooled into thinking that it’s the only way to succeed. There’s always a lot of distractions disguised as opportunities and knowing the difference is important. I always ask myself could my time be better spent elsewhere?

What are your favourite albums of any genre?

Oh wow, that’s a BIG question, let’s narrow it down a bit to more current releases shall we? Otherwise we could be here all day. LOL.
This year I’d say The Bicep album obviously was a stand out body of work, also the Arlo Parks and the UNKLE releases. And all of Sault’s ridiculously prolific and consistently inspiring recent albums have been a joy. Those are the 4 I’ve also bought on vinyl this year which is always a good indication.

Do you predict that live streaming culture will continue to some degree, on a permanent basis, post Covid?

I do think it will continue in some capacity yes. It stands to reason that there will be a market for artists to wider access of their performances to their fans who might only get chance to see their favourite DJs or bands live in the flesh once a year if they’re lucky. It really brings a sense of community to a fan base too which can only be a good thing.

I believe our scene will thrive post Covid, what is your feeling?

Oh for sure, I don’t think thousands of years of the human instinct to gather together and celebrate life to sound of music will be in any way quashed by Covid, quite the opposite. It might take a little while for people to regain their confidence of being out in big crowds again. I must confess it was a little odd in the club the other night, wading my way through the throng to visit the bathroom, but I do firmly believe that will return in time.

Was it a nightmare having the same name as the England goalie in the 90s?

Ha! Sometimes. A lot depended on how he was performing. Especially at big tournaments with England. But let’s not dwell on that shall we, I’m still in the midst of another penalty defeat comedown 🙁 At least the World Cup is only a year away!

Thanks Dave and good luck with the release. Talk soon.

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