1. Out Of Sorts feat. Martine ‘Pass The Power’ [Beat & Path]
2. WhoMadeWho ‘Kiss Me Hard’ (Adam Ten) [The Moment]
3. Steve Parry ‘Won’t You Believe?’ [Selador]
4. Alfonso Muchacho I Don’t Have To’ [Above The Storm]
5. Eduardo McGregor ‘Men Against Fire’ [Renaissance]
6. Major Spirit ‘Yachinyus’ [Ulu]
7. Hunter/Game & Ramverk ‘Last Hour’ (Arodes) [Just This]
8. Notre Dame ‘F3EL’ [Diynamic]
9. Argia ‘I Found You’ [TAU]
10. Emanuel Satie, Tim Engelhardt, Maga, Sean Doron ‘Mind Over Matter’ [Scenarios]
11. Frankey & Sandrino ‘The Moment’ [Habitat]
12. Julian Koerndl ‘Childish Behaviour’ (INVOKER) [Anims]