Dave Seaman Official Website · Selador’s Best of 2020 Compilation Out Now Home Music Tour News Contact About Shop 16 February 2021
Selador’s Best of 2020 Compilation Out Now

Selador presents… best of 2020 x 20

2020. Let’s face it, total shitshow. For those of us who live and breathe music and partying, double that.For those working in the creative sector, their previous routines, long-held goals and means of earning a living all left in the lap of the vaccine gods, times it by whatever number you want and it won’t come close.

But…isn’t there always a but? And the ‘but’ here is that true artists can never submerge their need to create, and they will always find ways to adapt to changed circumstances and unexpected challenges.

That is the case with the extended Selador family, who have to a man & woman excelled themselves in this doom-laden year, every track, every mix a beacon of uplifting light, with manya virtual and/or domestic dancefloor joyfully destroyed as a result.

So as a thank you to them for continually setting the bar ever higher against the backdrop of a global pandemic, and to you for supporting artists and label alike in these distressing times, here is our end of year gift in the shape of our ‘2020 – Fuck Covid Let’s Dance!’ compilation. House, techno and all flavours inbetween feature, natch.

Oh, and there’s more. It’s a buy one get one free deal. And the ‘get one free’ for anyone who purchases the comp is a Selador 2020 mix courtesy of Anthony Pappa. Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you – AN EXCLUSIVE BONUS MIX FROM THE ONE & ONLY ANTHONY PAPPA!!!!

A long time Friend of Selador, Pappa has pulled out all the stops this year, being one of the world’s most active live streamers, helping to keep us all smiling and sane. In true Pappa style the quality has never dropped one iota with his flawless tune selection and impeccable mixing. Which, of course, is exactly what you get here – and we couldn’t be more grateful.

Team Selador – we come bearing gifts


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